
The selfdriven Community is a collective of people passionate about the value of education and its capacity to create a least-harmful society.

Community based on ...

Supporting ...


Never stoping asking why.


Care about you, others and what you do.


Together we are better.

Guiding principles ...

The foundation:

Learning equals skill identity, which equals economic identity.

It's by the members for the members.

Work towards decentralisation - it's back to us.

Everything we do is about creating a less-harmful society.

Community Member


Individual engaging in learning.

Learning Partners

Organisations & Individuals.

selfdriven Foundation


Founders, advisors, SDF token-holders & DAO.

Supporting Services



Cloud Services

App & API

ID generation & Cardano asset minting



Blockchain Services


Services eg DIDs, DEXs, AI, Catalyst

Working with Other Communities

As an open framework, selfdriven as a community and protocol works well with other communities, including with decentralised premissionless on-chain communities and associated services.

The following conceptual example shows how in the future, using book NFTs generated by the service as an example, a learner's on-chain reading activity can be linked to on-chain selfdriven achievements e.g. SDA token.


Governance decisions are made by the holders of the SDF token, which includes the foundation advisory team and members of the community.

Progessively the process of community decision-making will be managed via the on-chain selfdriven OctoDAO - see the roadmap for timelines.

The selfdriven community actively collaborates with state/sovereign based governance and their initiatives e.g. Department of Education "Education Wallets/Passports" etc - aligning selfdriven protocols & framework components like identity, trust, skills etc to work with standards as they emerge.


Energy is an key part of any community/eco-system, and within the selfdriven community there a number of funding mechanisms.

During the start up stage, app services are funded by the entityOS Better Outcomes Fund - overtime they will be funded by learning community subscriptions, i.e. per learner $/mo.

Team members are self-funded and their effort is recognised in the allocation of SDF tokens.

On-chain development is currently self-funded. We are also funded by Cardano Catalyst & Intersect. community.

Supporters of the project can purchase art NFTs by Octo using @ Support the selfdriven Project - all funds go to selfdriven Treasury for funding development and community engagement i.e pilot programs with learning communities.

Community Engagement

The foundation works to engage younger members of our community to work within the foundation and learning communities.

Some examples include; becoming a foundation advisory team member, work-experience with the foundation, becoming a selfdriven Ambassador.

Work Experience

Work within the foundation for up to 10 days,
gaining experience on what it takes to run a project like selfdriven.

General example experiences include;
Developing FAQs, testing help instructions, engaging in pilot programs,
working with teams to bring a "young person" perspective.

Other experiences/tasks are developed based on the skills/interests of young person doing the work-experience.

Some of the experience outcomes include;
A sense of what it takes to start and build a project / organisation / community,
Gain the "selfdriven Foundation Work-experience" skill.
The option to join the foundation "young person" advisory team.
Awareness of the Cardano blockchain and its value to society.

Protocols, Services & Use


Our Identity

"Be Curious, Be Caring"


[1] "A Framework for Self-Driven Project Based Learning."
[2] "A Framework for More Inclusive Learning."
[3] "A Protocol to Transform Learning Communities."
[4] "A Protocol to Change the Way Young People Learn, for Real."
[5] "A Learning Framework to Find New Methods and Purpose in Learning, for Real."
[6] "A Path to Self-Driven Decentralised Learning Communities."
[7] "A Protocol and Framework for Self-Driven Decentralised Learning Communities."


[A] "A Path to Self-Driven Decentralised Learning Communities."
[B] "Learning Communities as a Path to Decentralised Self-Driven/Self-Actuating Communities."
[C] "A Learning Platform to Capture & Share Skills."
[D] "Skills Identity as a Path to Economic Identity, Using the selfdriven Protocols & Framework, SSI and Cardano."
[E] "Economic Identity via Skills Identity Created via Self-Driven Project Based Learning, SSI & Cardano."
[F] "Skills Identity as a Path to Financial Identity, Using Self-Driven Project Based Learning, SSI & Cardano."
[G] ", a protocol for Skills Identity as a Path to Economic Identity, Using Self-Driven Project Based Learning, SSI & Cardano."

Key Words

Blockchain, Cardano, Tokens, NFTs, Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI), Decentralised IDs (DIDs), Verifiable Credentials (VCs), Project Based Learning, Self-Driven Learning, Agency & Mastery, Purpose In Learning, Authentic Learning, Artificial Intelligence (AI), LLMs, Cognitive-Assistance, Universal Skill Set, Education, Learning Systems, xAPI, Decentralised Society, Self-Driven Communities, Self-Actuating Communities, Decentralised Autonomous Organisations (DAOs), Public Domain, Research, First-Principles, Scientific, Engineered, UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Quick Intro

selfdriven is a community learning platform that has been developed from the ground up over the last five years, based on research and active piloting.
It occupies a unique space at the intersection of changes in learning frameworks, blockchain, and AI technologies - "The Shift".
You can utilise it as an "Operating System" to empower your community, encompassing both organisation and learning. Its applications range from merely leveraging the technology to adopting its comprehensive framework and value set, which begins with "Be Curious, Be Caring," as outlined in the selfdriven Foundation whitepaper.
A crucial aspect of this platform is its aim to cultivate agency and accountability among young people, which is considered essential for the successful decentralisation of our society.
Ultimately, the goal is to contribute to the creation of a society that causes the least harm.


AI generated.

selfdriven White Paper Overview


We love to collaborate.


Connect with us in many different ways.


A collective of people passionate about the value of education and its capacity to create a least-harmful society.


An overview of the selfdriven Operating System


A deeper dive into selfdriven Tokens including the SDC token.


How we improve and make decisions together.


Community inputs to energise the community active & passive - includes Catalyst & Intersect Grants Funding.


The formal and informal research, and inputs that shape selfdriven.


It's an universal right; for everyone and everything.


Establishing trust; For everyone and everything.


For measuring growth, performance & outcomes


Step by step guides to get you up and running with the App, running or participating in a proof-of-concept pilot, getting "on-chain" and more!


Help with on-boarding your learning community.

Learning Management System (LMS)

Using the selfdriven Framework and Apps as a Learning Management System.