Based on achievements (
SDA tokens),
selfdriven community members will be able to unlock bonus
FindingOcto game tokens by
visiting locations within their wider community - getting them out and about!
We use the
CardanoBeam app to
manage the geolocation based collection of tokens.
Example Game play ...
1/ A learner (as learning community member) completes a template based learning project and
gains a
"RocketOcto" capacity
skill, which is
stored on-chain (Cardano) as an SDA (achievement token).
2/ Based on the learning template, this achievement also earns them an
FindingOctoVenturer token (with associated metadata about the FindingOcto Rewards
i.e 100SDC tokens) which is sent to their CardanoBeam wallet.
3/ Then when they visit a particular place in the community it will, in this example, earn
them an additonal 100 SDC tokens.
4/ The learner visits the place and when close to the location, the CardanoBeam app, based
on them holding a FindingOctoVenturer token sends them a FindingOctoX
token with the same metadata.
5/ The FindingOcto game then periodically looks for new FindingOctoX tokens and,
using the metadata, sends that as associated tokens to the selfdriven Community Member's
Primary Cardano Address - in this case 100 SDC tokens.