be curious, be caring


A learner's journey in growth, supported by their learning partners.


Growth of ...


Personal attributes relating to the "Who I Am" skills, e.g Sense-of-self, Collaboration etc.


In relation to the nine selfdriven "Importance of" values.


Skill capacity (Aware, Capable, Knowledgeable & Natural) and skill levels (1 to 20) based on where they are in their learning journey.

Learning partners working together to support the learner.

"Family" and professional learning-facilitators supporting the learner in combination with authentic experiences, leading to learner growth.


The phases of learning that support the learner growth, including skills gained from levels 1 to 20, and the four skill capacities.

Introduction of Learning

Understanding of Self. How to learn. How I learn.
"Kindergarten, Preschool & Primary School"


Consolidation of personal & technical skills.
"Middle / High School"

Focused Learning

Focus on technical skills based on authentic purpose of the learner.
"Colleges, Universities, Technical Institutes, Apprentiships, TAFE etc".

Next Steps

Enabling learning partners in different learning communities to collaborate and share resources with the learner; and help learners with learning pathway decisions, using the selfdriven Apps.

Introduction of Learning to Consolidation

Phase "B" learning partners can gain understanding of learners based on learner activity in phase "A", enabling them to create differentiated learning for learners.

Consolidation to Focused Learning

Phase "C" learning partners can provide resources, mentoring, learning templates etc to learners in Phase "B".
Learners in Phase "B" can use next steps templates from phase "C" learning partners to help work out their learning journey..

Learner to Learning Partner Connections

Growth Cycle

Enabling community based economies based on growth.

Next Steps

A deeper dive in the next steps in learning.


Learning communities as a safe place to learn and grow.


Recognising experience based learning.


Check out the selfdriven Universal Skills Set


selfdriven community (SDC) and achievment (SDA) tokens.


We work well with others, so if you have any throughts on collaboration with us, let us know!