
The world is more human with art.


Supporting the...

selfdriven Community

Supporting selfdriven community initiatives with funds from the sales of the selfdriven Supporter Art Series.

And NFT Collectible Art for Community Members.

Young Artists

"A life of Art"

Helping young people with a path to NFTs; Digital-native art or digitised art.

Octo NFT Collectable Art Series


256 NFTs
A unique set of OctoPixel NFTs for the orginal Octets.


1024 NFTs
A combination of unique (randomly minted) and common OctoPixel NFTs, with rarity "First 1024", for any community member that creates an identity on-chain (SDI).


4096 NFTs
A common set of OctoPixel NFTs, with rarity "First 4096", for any community member that creates an identity on-chain (SDI).


16383 NFTs
A common set of OctoPixel NFTs, with rarity "First 16383", for any community member that creates an identity on-chain (SDI).


∞ NFTs
A set of common OctoPixel NFTs for any community member that creates an identity on-chain (SDI).

Young Artists

"A life of Art".


We work well with others, so if you have any throughts on collaboration with us, let us know!