Level Up

Using game play to level up Who-Am-I & Technical Skills.

Learner built games / challenges ...

Learn to Play

And play to learn the "Importance Of" values: Understanding of self, social interaction, caring for others, food, environment, activity, thinking, language, the arts.

Outcome Based

Self-built outcome based learning game with challenges, levels, incentives & rewards.

It's Time To Be Human Again

Human-driven, with incentives to play (learn) based on own purpose & outcomes.

Learning needs to be fun, purposeful,
accessible, responsive and encouraging.

"Level Up" is human-focused app that supports learner growth through recognising human core drivers ...

Referencing Yukai Chou's Octalysis Framework
"White Hat" & "Black Hat" Core Drivers
White Hat [WH] core drivers make people feel powerful, fulfilled, and satisfied.
They make us feel in control of our own lives and actions.
Black Hat [BH] core drivers make people feel obsessed, anxious, and addicted.
Use sparingly as path to white hat core drivers.
"Left & Right Brain" refers to the functional grouping and relationship to the Octalysis diagram, not the biology of the brain.
"Left Brain" [LB] being goal-oriented with extrinsic motivation i.e. process focused.
Thinking in words, sequencing, facts, logic.
"Right Brain" [RB] being experience-oriented with intrinsic motiviation i.e. outcome focused.
Feelings, visualisation, imagination, intuition, holistic, arts.
The Level Up app is designed to help with...
"What's in it for me?"
  • This is what I love doing. (My Why)
  • I want to get better at it.
  • This is me.
  • Epic Meaning (Calling) [WH].
  • Accomplishment (Development) [WH].
  • Ownership (Possession) [WH/BH].
  • Social Influence (Relatedness) [WH/BH].
"What am I allowed to do?"
  • My Projects with Outcomes, Rules, Tasks, Rewards etc
  • Feedback from learning-partners.
  • Are my choices getting me closer or further away from challenge outcome? (Improvement-Cycle)
  • Empowerment (Creativity & Feedback) [WH].
  • Ownership (Possession) [WH/BH].
"I learn differently to other people"
  • I learn in all different places - anywhere / anytime.
  • I love playing games.
  • I love working in teams, working by myself. It just depends.
  • Feedback is about my growth, in a way that makes sense to me.
  • Empowerment (Creativity & Feedback) [WH].
"I have the energy to learn"
  • When it's an adventure. Not just the same day-after-day.
  • It's fun. I'm learning, but I don't know it.
  • I can see how I'm going compared to others.
  • I'm doing what I love.
  • It's about me and my communities.
  • It's responsive.
  • Feedback, guidance and support is dynamic.
  • Social Influence (Relatedness) [WH/BH].
  • Empowerment (Creativity & Feedback) [WH].
  • Accomplishment (Development) [WH].
  • Scarcity (Impatience) [BH].
  • Avoidance (Loss) [BH].
  • Unpredicatability (Curiosity) [BH].
"I feel like I exist"
  • My efforts are acknowledged.
  • I can share my achievements.
  • Empowerment (Creativity & Feedback) [WH].
  • Accomplishment (Development) [WH].
  • Social Influence (Relatedness) [WH/BH].

We are very interested in hearing your thoughts on your current learning experience (i.e., school) and how it makes you feel, as well as what incentives you think would motivate you to learn.

Send Your Thoughts & Earn 100SDF Tokens

The improvement is the meaning.

The improvement cycle supports the process to get to the outcomes; the human-drivers energise the process, creating the learner activity for incremental growth. i.e play the learning game.

The improvement cycle is in turn supported by frameworks like Choice Theory.

And measured using the Level Up app to create meaning through measureable growth.

Everything is defined in language.

selfdriven & the Level Up app helps people re-write their default-future through the use of language to set their mindset, leading to purposeful action.

1/ Our perceptions shape our performance
"How people perform correlates to how situations occur to them."
2/ Our language shapes our perception
"How a situation occurs arises in language."
3/ We can shift perspectives using generative language
"Future-based language transforms how situations occur to people."

"Are you aware of your mind-filters creating your perceptions?"

The selfdriven framework components supporting the "Level Up" app.

As part of using the "Level Up" App the Learners & Learning-Partners are assigned a unique "SDI", which is the basis for their identity (centralised & decentralised) as per part of the W3C Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) framework).

Learning Spaces

We learn in many different spaces.


Check out the selfdriven Universal Skills Set


The structures to support self-driven learning and play.


selfdriven community (SDC) and achievment (SDA) tokens.


The use of the Cardano Blockchain technology in learning, including NFTs as digital-assets etc


We work well with others, so if you have any throughts on collaboration with us, let us know!